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Breaking News! Dolly Sightings!!

Written by: paperlessibs on October 2, 2012

Missing since October, 2010 almost two years from this breaking news story, recent developments have caused us to believe Dolly may be still alive and apparently thriving!  An anonymous source has provided us with evidence Dolly has been vacationing in Venice Beach, California.  Apparently she has acquired a drinking habit!  We remain uncertain as to whether Dolly will return to her rightful owners.

Here are the latest photos (click on thumbnails to see the photos) they do not appear to be Photoshopped) and THE ORIGINAL WANTED POSTER.  We have no reason to believe Dolly has met with any harm.  Any information you might have that will lead to the safe return of Dolly and the apprehension of her captors would be greatly appreciated.  Sadly there has been no information reported about the whereabouts or fate of poor Betsy Lou.

Both Dolly and Betsy Lou starred in the iDentifi.Trak Farm Audit, a short film and satire shown at the 2010 Integra User and Training Conference.

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