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Aaron Stine, Identifi SVP Products and Solutions leading CoderDojo, Safety Harbor

Identifi is very pleased to announce our partnership with Safety Harbor CoderDojo. CoderDojo is a worldwide movement of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for kids 7 to 17. The CoderDojo concept began in Ireland in 2011 and has since expanded to 1,100 Dojos in 63 countries.

When we first heard about CoderDojo, we knew it was something we wanted to get involved with. We were pleasantly surprised to find that there was already an active Dojo in our own backyard! The Safety Harbor CoderDojo was started in 2015 by Dojo Champions Nancy Vellucci and Anastasia Underwood. Identifi Senior Vice President of Software and Solutions, Aaron Stine reached out to Nancy and Anastasia to see if we could work together. There was an immediate connection and we started collaborating in October of last year.

Since then, we’ve worked together to provide the resources the Dojo needs to be successful. In addition to financial support, Identifi staff also volunteer their time as mentors in the program. That’s been instrumental in expanding the scope of the technology available to learn as well helping each Dojo session run more smoothly.

One of the great things about CoderDojo is how it flips the classroom concept. There’s no lecturing or traditional teaching. Instead, Ninjas (students) learn on their own as well as from each other. We provide resource cards called “Sushi cards” that they can use to learn new skills. Ninjas work at their own pace to create their code projects. We reinforce peer learning with “Team Tickets”. Ninjas can earn a Team Ticket whenever they help out another Ninja. Team tickets are required to complete projects so everyone is motivated to help!

Ninjas earn achievements in the form of belts and badges each time they complete a project. They earn colored belt pins just like a regular Dojo.

They also receive a badge that represents the coding language they used to earn their belt. Ninjas can display their belts and badges by pinning them to their lanyard and wearing them at the Dojo.

As they advance, Ninjas are required to create projects that contribute to the “social good”. For example, they can create a new website that benefits the local community or create an app that helps their school. This reinforces the practical benefits that can come from technology.

We’re thrilled to be supporting the growth of kids in the Tampa Bay Area. Every Ninja in the Dojo will gain a better understanding of the technology that’s driving our world. And for some, CoderDojo may be an avenue to a software or engineering job in the future!

We’re enjoying the ability to give back to the community that has supported us and could not be happier with our combined success!

Identifi Products
Identifi Products

Approximately 60% of the average employee’s day is spent working on an organization’s records and documents. How much of that time is truly productive and how much of it is wasted? When dealing with content creation, storage, archiving, distribution, and transfer throughout an enterprise, there are often significant areas for improvement. A cloud-based consolidation and distribution center can vastly reduce the amount of time employees need to spend on document management while also improving business outcomes and customer service.

Boosting Productivity and Reducing Time to Market

With the majority of employee time being spent on document management, there are many opportunities to boost productivity and efficiency. Moving to the cloud allows an organization to take advantage of superior resources and an always accessible platform, both of which drive innovation and make it faster and easier for employees to process their documents effectively. Employees will be able to connect and collaborate from anywhere in the world, and thus they can quickly complete products and reduce the organization’s time to market. The enterprise content management (ECM) market is growing faster than the overall software market, as more organizations find that improving their ECM is one of the fastest ways to reduce project time and boost productivity. Time to market can be extraordinarily important for many organizations, especially those with close competition. Through cloud ECM, organizations can remain competitive with other businesses as they, too, invest in newer technologies.

Increased Reliability, Scalability, and Elasticity

Reliability is a key component of success. Up to 27% of businesses have suffered a loss of reputation due to poor document management. This affects customer retention, customer acquisition, and word-of-mouth advertising.

Cloud-based ECM gains all of the traditional benefits of the cloud. Cloud ECM can offer greater uptime than on-premises solutions, it can scale upwards through the deployment of additional resources, and has the elasticity to deploy resources on-the-fly to compensate for sudden or unexpected intervals of increased usage. All of this amounts to better service for customers and a far more productive and efficient environment for employees. Elasticity has the additional benefit of ensuring that the service is reliable and that organizations don’t need to pay for resources when they don’t need them. Scalability prevents an organization from being forced to invest too much in their infrastructure before they truly need it.

Lower Cost of Deployment and Ownership

By far the biggest driver of cloud-based enterprise content management is cost. When polling organizations, 38% reported that they were interested in cloud-based ECM for the purposes of cost reduction, compared to running their ECM solutions from on-premises servers. Deploying an ECM system on-premises means investing heavily in network infrastructure and physical assets, whereas a cloud-based ECM platform can be quickly deployed and scaled to suit the organization’s budget and needs. ECM deployments may contain as little or as much of an organization’s documents as desired and the costs are fluid; they can be reduced if the organization’s need is reduced. On premise servers and infrastructure often need to be upgraded to compensate for company growth and older equipment. This isn’t necessary with cloud-based ECM deployments, which simply requisition and provision resources as needed.

Integration With Business Process Management

Business process management (BPM) and enterprise content management need to work together for the best business outcomes. For most businesses, their documents are their processes.

Integrating BPM and ECM allows for fewer bottlenecks, improved overall efficiency, increased visibility, improved responsiveness, and fewer human errors. Cloud-based solutions can be easily and quickly integrated with each other for full support and consolidation. Many modern organizations are moving their entire infrastructure to the cloud, including BPM, ERP and CRM systems, and, of course, ECM. By managing and maintaining all of these components through the cloud, an organization can create an always-on completely connected and consolidated network.

BPM and ECM solutions can also be used to reduce liability and improve regulatory compliance, as they create a complete audit trail for documents and procedures, ensuring that the organization always has records for the work completed and the details of that work.

Universal Accessibility and Improved Collaboration

Cloud platforms can be used to effectively connect offices from city to city or nation to nation. Not only can organizations leverage the power of a global office, but they can also empower employees with the flexibility to set their own hours or work from home. Flexible work schedules aid in courting top talent, sourcing affordable talent, and keeping employees happy and productive. Cloud-based systems can be accessed from anywhere in the world and are “always on,” allowing for improved collaboration and the support of multiple time zones and regions.

Through a cloud-based ECM, an organization can freely grow throughout the globe. And by integrating a cloud-based ECM with other cloud-based solutions, better collaboration can be achieved throughout business processes. Cloud-based solutions can work on virtually any platform and generally only need a browser to connect to, freeing up employees to work from anywhere and to work on multiple devices. On-premises ECM applications can cost $1 million or more, with $200,000 or more being invested in hardware alone. Not only do cloud-based ERP solutions have a lower cost of deployment and maintenance, but they can significantly improve productivity and efficiency by creating an always-on solution through which employees can effectively collaborate and share.

Document management is a core business process that has to be effectively streamlined and managed for the overall productivity of a business. Through cloud-based enterprise content management solutions, an organization can improve the efficiency of every level of their business operations, accelerating speed to market and their customer happiness.

For additional information contact

President and CEO Alan Wiessner telling some "fish" stories at Identifi's Holiday Party at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, FL

Fun times at the The Florida Aquarium. Great food and libations were on hand while Identifi employees, spouses, friends and SO's enjoyed the exhibits. It is a 250,000-square-foot aquarium . We owned the place for the evening. From river otters to sharks, there are more than 20,000 aquatic animals and plants at the Aquarium.


Integra Business Systems, Inc. d.b.a. Identifi, is the developer of the iDentifi Enterprise Content Management (document imaging) software.  We offer a paperless environment to include desktop and online e-sign, e-receipt for teller, document tracking, scan, workflow, analytics and report archival in an on-premise or hosted (SaaS) environment.  Identifi is integrated with your primary business processes for easy access and elimination of duplicate work. We are cross browser and mobile ready.



Integra celebrates twenty seven (27) years in business Saturday. March 7th, 2015.  It truly seems like a long time ago.

Then again, I wish I were 27 years old.  At age 27, I was a District Manager for NCR Corp., based in Milwaukee, WI.  My wife Terri and I had just moved into our first home.

My hair was just tinged in gray.  Today it’s almost as white as the snow in Boston!  I weighed 175 lbs.  Now I weigh, well let’s forget about the reminiscing!

Today, Integra has a star studded cast of 41 professionals.  Almost daily, I receive accolades from our customers about our all-stars support, their delivery and the quality of our products. With such an all-star cast, Integra is headed into 2015 strong, and with a full head of steam. Our paperless suite of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) products are cloud ready and second to none.  

In 2015 new, exciting and powerful products that will help shape your business, are on the way.  I’m more energized and optimistic than ever about the future of Integra, our customers and our own all-stars!

Back by popular demand…

*Mark Your February 2016 Calendars!*

Integra Client Conference & Training Seminar 2016

February 22nd -24th

Sheraton Sand Key Resort

(Integra Group Rate:  $222 a  night)


Full Conference: $249 per Institution

Events Only (Perfect For Guest): $99

 More to follow as the dates approach...

Integra employees enjoyed some good laugh including breakfast and coffee with bagels.  We are currently voting on who has the best costume.  Check out this hilarious YouTube video!

You can place your vote.

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