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Open Technology Solutions (OTS) is the CUSO for Bethpage Federal Credit Union, Bellco and SECU, which have over $10.5 billion in combined assets.

The three partner Credit Unions are supported by a centralized Operations Center called S3 – Shared Service Solutions, LLC.  Each Credit Union has their own iDentifi Server running on their network.

Scan stations are located at S3, to assist in making correspondence available in one business day.  Multi-function printers are also used to scan general mail (including loan payments, collections, insurance, etc.) totaling over thousands of documents per week across all three Credit Unions.  This has made the elimination of Mail/Courier service possible.

Bethpage and Bellco are running the iDentifi.WEB repository with hundreds of users employing electronic signature, e-receipt, scan stations and E-Report.  Bellco and SECU also run the iDentifi.Trak module to avoid audit exceptions.  Tracking includes automatic e-mail notifications and reports when documents are pending or in exception.  Exceptions are automatically cleared when documents are added into the iDentifi.WEB repository.  If documents are recurring; ticklers are automatically reset at the point of recurrence.

E-Receipt (for paperless receipts) works with signature pads, as well as with Ingencio and Pax units at the teller, which interface with the Verifast Solution from Fiserv/Open Solutions Inc.  This one unit can be used for swiping and signature.  The Credit Unions are using the dual logo feature of e-Receipt for shared branch transactions.

All three credit unions are using e-sign for loan documents and new account signature cards.  Documents are scanned with automatic indexing provided through barcodes that integrate with core by reading the core data file for indexing.

It is ideal to have one central repository for all your information.  The iDentifi.WEB repository imports the following automatically:

Information can be accessed through Fiserv/Open Solutions DNA Core, or directly through the KWYK (Key What You Know) search engine which is part of the .NET iDentifi.WEB repository.

E-Report is not just limited to the downloaded Fiserv/Open Solutions reports, but also includes auto indexing of Elan Reports, WITS (wire transfer reports from Pathfinder), FDR Reports, IS Reports, ERAS Reports, Fidelity Reports, Co-Op reports and abandoned property reports.  Conversions can be supported from the legacy systems; Synergy, DocStar, Spoolview and Aace.

We wanted to share some scenes from our Christmas/Holiday festivities here at Integra.  Warmest wishes for the season, and sincere thanks for your loyalty throughout the years!

Integra 2013 Christmas and Holiday Party

Integra employees enjoyed some good laugh including breakfast and coffee with bagels.  We are currently voting on who has the best costume.  Check out this hilarious YouTube video!

You can place your vote.

IBS trade show booth center graphic copy

Santa NewtonSanta Claus Is Still Coming To Town

We’ll not forget the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT.

While we grieve the slaughter of innocents, this tragic act serves as a reminder of how precious, how fragile, the gift of life is.

Whatever your religious beliefs, let’s not forget to appreciate the Christmas spirit.

Set aside your politics and prejudice, the spirit of Christmas is about giving.  In the spirit of Christmas, we need to turn to those we love, family and friends and give of ourselves.

Not to pontificate, it’s easy for people this time of year to find a reason to be unhappy.  Let’s not forget those less fortunate and find joy in all we have been given.

These lyrics from Santa Claus is Coming to Town come to mind…

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

Merry Christmas!  Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays!  And be good for goodness sake!

Author’s note:  I debated posting the cartoon caricature of Santa and decided it was too compelling (not the message, the picture of Santa).  My apologies if you find it disturbing.  I wrote this to remind myself what Christmas means to me, how I am dealing with the unimaginable evil of the mass murder at Sandy Hook and I decided to share.

Dolly has escaped her captor(s)? and has been seen partying with known revelers in MA recently.  It remains uncertain how Dolly managed to escape.  With some degree of certainty we can report Dolly has been receiving daily massages and Botox injections which has produced some amazing results best described as artificial inflation.  Dolly was last reported to be seen heading south...


Dolly and boyfriend Ziggy

Dolly Has Been Traveling in Questionable Company...

Recently, we asked Dolly's kidnappers for the terms of her release and return safely to Integra.  It turns out Dolly has some terms of her own.  It seems though her kidnappers, too, are concerned about her getting plenty of attention and exposure to world travels.  Our designated world traveler, Abby would probably be willing to take Dolly with her on her travels.  Abby's been to Cancun, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Ireland, Scotland, France, Australia and New Zealand.  She is planning trips to South America and St. Lucia.  Dolly could certainly enjoy some spectacular sites.  The only problem would be whether Abby had room for Dolly among all her other stuff including dancing shoes, rubber duckie, People magazines, unopened workout videos, hotel property to include towels, lotions, cue tips, mouthwash, pens, and stationary...

Dolly's demands, in her own words.

I think I really just want to return to FL.  At least for awhile.  I am not demanding anything much just some time with you all, my adopted family.  I am not sure if you heard about the death of my grandmother' and namesake's father recently.  It made me very sad. (see below).  So I was named after Dolly Parton too!

If I can find a way back to Integra, will someone there be able to take me with them when they go on trips?  I really do enjoy that, and have been doing that with the people I stay with.  Yes, the actual travel is awkward, folded and sometimes pulled at when in a suitcase by what is called a TSA agent. But I did find my real sister in New Orleans during one of those trips, and met a very nice companion, Ziggy.  Did you get my other photos?

I have heard of something called C.O.D., maybe I can use that to return, would that be OK?   Us sheep are not good with initials after BaaBaa.

Yours truly, Dolly

 LONDON -- Keith Campbell, a prominent biologist who worked on cloning Dolly the sheep, has died at 58, the University of Nottingham said Thursday.  Campbell, who had worked on animal improvement and cloning since 1999, died Oct. 5, university spokesman Tim Utton said. He did not specify the cause, only saying that Campbell had worked at the university until his death.  Campbell began researching animal cloning at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in 1991. The experiments led to the birth in 1996 of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell.  The sheep was named after singer Dolly Parton. Researchers at the time said that the sheep was created from a mammary gland cell, and that Parton offered an excellent example.

Hello Dolly!  Latest Dolly sightings:

Mexico – March, 2012. Puerto Rico – January, 2012, Los Angeles -  March 2011; New Orleans October, 2010


Missing since October, 2010 almost two years from this breaking news story, recent developments have caused us to believe Dolly may be still alive and apparently thriving!  An anonymous source has provided us with evidence Dolly has been vacationing in Venice Beach, California.  Apparently she has acquired a drinking habit!  We remain uncertain as to whether Dolly will return to her rightful owners.

Here are the latest photos (click on thumbnails to see the photos) they do not appear to be Photoshopped) and THE ORIGINAL WANTED POSTER.  We have no reason to believe Dolly has met with any harm.  Any information you might have that will lead to the safe return of Dolly and the apprehension of her captors would be greatly appreciated.  Sadly there has been no information reported about the whereabouts or fate of poor Betsy Lou.

Both Dolly and Betsy Lou starred in the iDentifi.Trak Farm Audit, a short film and satire shown at the 2010 Integra User and Training Conference.

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