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Identifi Teams Up With Chelsea Groton Bank to Increase Productivity

Written by: Alan Wiessner on August 23, 2017

Chelsea Groton Bank's Feel Good About Your Bank slogan extends beyond words to their people. Identifi recently met with several members of the dedicated Chelsea Groton team. We came away with an appreciation for their dedication to making their customer's banking experience a better one.

William Lidestri, SVP, Director of Operations & Technology

William Lidestri, SVP, Director of Operations & Technology is driving innovation at Chelsea Groton. Using Identifi Work business process automation software for Accounts Payable vendor invoice approval, Mr. Lidestri has successfully increased productivity by thirty percent (30%).

Additional innovations initiatives to the create the bank of the future.  Margaret Blundon, VP/Business Intelligence Manager and Matt Benoit, Business Process Analyst/Business Intelligence proudly display Intuiface. Intuiface will be installed in their branch of the future opening in October.

Margaret Blundon,VP/Business Intelligence Manager and Matt Benoit, Business Process Analyst/Business Intelligence

Intuiface will allow the customer to be self-service, utilizing the touch interface to learn about the various products and services offered by Chelsea Groton Bank.  The Chelsea branch of the future will also provide financial training classes to the public.

Max Spelman, AVP Operations Manager working with Amy Prince, Sr. Deposit Operations Representative use Identifi Document to file Power of Attorney (POA) documents.  This has proven to be a huge time saver, obtaining documents when needed using Identifi's KWYK KeyWhatYouKnow patent pending search engine.

Max Spelman, AVP Operations Manager and Amy Prince, Sr Deposit Operations Representative

Chelsea Groton plans on using the Identifi OLE Online eSign to process new POA’s. Identifi is also used for business banking applications, operations and cash management.

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