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Living with Legacy Part III – Head in the Clouds or Nose to the Grindstone?

Written by: paperlessibs on December 27, 2011
Klondike Bluffs, Arches National Park and the snow-capped LaSal Mtns.

At Integra, when our A-Team meets to discuss past, present and future challenges for the “compelling cloud” is the most incendiary, exciting and persistent topic of discussion on our agenda. 

What we have learned is to keep our noses to the grindstone and keep our heads in the clouds, I call it “practically innovative.”

This is a real challenge for a software company, a.k.a. also known as "propeller heads," but it's necessary for us to ensure our customers are well served.

As for the “Cloud,” I needn’t remind you?  We’re already there.  The future is now and we want you there, too.  The reasons you may not be there are many and diverse. But I’ll go out on a limb here and say it hasn’t been practical or “compelling” enough for you to consider the “cloud”?

The self-proclaimed “King of Cloud”, Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce would like you to believe “software is dead.”  Mr. Benioff is a highly successful visionary, but as the CEO of a wildly successful business, I would risk saying he has lost the vision of a practitioner. 

Practically speaking, having been there, moving from a legacy contact management software product to Salesforce or any cloud like product is costly, challenging and time-intensive.  In any case, I think it is a stretch whether “software,” other than nominally, will ever be dead.

If you want a great read on what defines cloud computing and how it might apply to your organization, I would be happy to point you in the right direction.  Just email me at

So there, I’ve said it.  If you’re mired in a legacy client-server application or worse, it’s may not be practical at this time for you to move to a web-server based application like  I’m sure I have mentioned, at least twice, once you are on you can move to the cloud.

What I do find objectionable is for your organization to take a giant step backward, when you can take a giant step forward with  If your “core” vendor of choice whether it be Fiserv, who offer several different flavors of Hyland Onbase’s legacy laden client-server based technology, a.k.a. Director, Nautilus, etc… or Jack Henry’s Synergy don’t go there. Before you go there, ask them when they can offer you cloud based computing for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and more importantly what it will cost you, practically speaking. 

When I say practically speaking, go back to what I said earlier about being a practitioner.  Remember I said earlier and you probably agreed, moving from a legacy software product to a cloud like product is costly, challenging and time-intensive. 

So ask your core or ECM provider, what it will cost you to move to the cloud and then be the practitioner and add all the pain associated with the conversion.

To avoid some or all of the above, you can choose  We know what it’s like to be practical and we can ease the pain moving from Legacy to the Cloud.

To serve our customers best, we have our nose to the grindstone and our head in the clouds.



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