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They Never Asked to be Our Heroes

Written by: paperlessibs on September 10, 2011

I'll be on a plane tomorrow on 9-11-2011.  After enduring 10 years of security screenings do you think for one moment I would hesitate to travel on 9-11-2011?

 God bless those who sacrificed their lives on 9-11, to their families and their friends on 9-11-and all of those who remain committed to protecting our freedom.

Below a tribute to all our heroes, then and now.  Thank you!

They Never Asked to be Our Heroes

God help those less fortunate. 
Pray their souls find peace and harmony.
There seems no end to those who suffer
There seems no end to their misery
God in all your wisdom
Find them redemption and salvation, too.
Those who died, left undiscovered,
Those who died for our sins past.
They never asked to be our heroes,
They never asked for their fate cast.
They only lived to be our friends and lovers,
They only lived to be our fathers and mothers,
They only lived as God’s children do.
There is no will to look away. 
There is no way to escape from the view. 
What’s left is to look to each other, 
For the answers we already knew. 
For our moment of truth is our salvation.
by Alan Wiessner - 10-21-2001
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